When was the last time you checked your credit report? You can get a free report every 12 months from each of the big three companies. Go to www.annualcreditreport.com to get your report. If you get one report at a time you can check your report three times a year for free.
Checking your credit report is one of those things everyone should do periodically, like checking the air in their tires (you check the air in your tires, right?).
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Contemplating a Fixed Income
I am on vacation this week (but staying home and relaxing) so my paycheck will be just for straight hours. Usually my paychecks are bolstered by shift differential and taking call and such so there is some flexibility in how much I make. I was thinking about what life would be like if my income was fixed, as it will be when I retire. It was a scary thought. The result of this contemplation is that I feel more committed to making sure I have a really good retirement savings.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Blowing the budget
I am totally blowing my budget this month, and I came at the damage from both directions.
On the income side, I decreased my income by not taking any call in the last pay period - an accidental oversight. I wasn't going to have any this pay period either, luckily someone was willing to give a shift away. Next, I went home several hours early one day when things were slow and elected to take the time off without pay because I have a vacation coming up and didn't want to burn any extra PTO.
On the expenditure side, I neglected to realize that because the bank changed one of my accounts due to a data compromise, that my cell phone bill stopped getting paid automatically. I don't open those statements in a timely manner since they are automatic and I ended up having to pay for three months at once. Then I signed up for a class in cartoneria (Mexican paper mache) which I wasn't planning on because I didn't know it existed. This year's Halloween theme (we go all out with Halloween decorating) is Dia De Los Muertos and I was going to try to figure out how to do the paper mache on my own but now I don't have to and this is (for me) a justified expense that I am willing to pay for (and if you knew how excited I get about Halloween you would agree).
Ultimately, there has to be some flexibility in any budget for inevitable ups and downs. I keep some slush money for budget overruns and fortunately have the ability to increase my income by picking up extra call shifts on occasion. I have a system and I know it works for me. If I couldn't make extra money I'd have to come up with a different system.
This has also been a lesson in diligence. I shouldn't be waiting over three months to check on bill payment.
On the income side, I decreased my income by not taking any call in the last pay period - an accidental oversight. I wasn't going to have any this pay period either, luckily someone was willing to give a shift away. Next, I went home several hours early one day when things were slow and elected to take the time off without pay because I have a vacation coming up and didn't want to burn any extra PTO.
On the expenditure side, I neglected to realize that because the bank changed one of my accounts due to a data compromise, that my cell phone bill stopped getting paid automatically. I don't open those statements in a timely manner since they are automatic and I ended up having to pay for three months at once. Then I signed up for a class in cartoneria (Mexican paper mache) which I wasn't planning on because I didn't know it existed. This year's Halloween theme (we go all out with Halloween decorating) is Dia De Los Muertos and I was going to try to figure out how to do the paper mache on my own but now I don't have to and this is (for me) a justified expense that I am willing to pay for (and if you knew how excited I get about Halloween you would agree).
Ultimately, there has to be some flexibility in any budget for inevitable ups and downs. I keep some slush money for budget overruns and fortunately have the ability to increase my income by picking up extra call shifts on occasion. I have a system and I know it works for me. If I couldn't make extra money I'd have to come up with a different system.
This has also been a lesson in diligence. I shouldn't be waiting over three months to check on bill payment.
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